4 questions to Corine @ Nedap Light Controls

Hi! I’m Corine. I’m responsible for marketing and communications at Nedap Light Controls. Our technological solutions are helping customers all over Europe, Asia and North America to become more competitive and successful.

Why did you decide to work at Nedap?

I chose Nedap because I wanted to work in an international environment. Nedap also provides a lot of flexibility to define your own job. Furthermore, they offer a great working atmosphere in which you are constantly challenged.

Can you describe a typical working day?

I don’t really have a typical working day, as my job is so varied. One day, I might be working on generating leads by creating cool campaigns and the next day you might find me mainly engaged in communication with clients and end customers. There’s a real hands-on mentality at Nedap. Whenever possible, we work together in teams.

“You can achieve a lot at Nedap, if you know what you want.”

Corine Smeenk Marketing & Communications
What do you want to achieve at Nedap?

I’d like to get better at my job and, of course, I want to help our customers become more successful. I continually keep my skills up to date by participating in things like network groups and development programmes within Nedap, for example personal leadership and advanced English.

What advice would you give to someone aspiring to work at Nedap?

What I’d really like to say to anybody wanting to work at Nedap is make your dreams come true. I know from personal experience that you can achieve a lot if you know what you want.

Which way are you heading?

At Nedap, we’re not so keen on fixed routes: we prefer to challenge you to shape your own future.

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