Listed since 1947

Nedap has been listed on Euronext Amsterdam since 1947, trading under the ticker symbol NEDAP and ISIN code NL0000371243. Nedap is included in the AScX index. All Nedap issued shares are ordinary shares with a nominal value of €0.10. As at 31 December 2023, a total of 6,554,003 were outstanding.

Dividend policy

Nedap’s dividend policy ensues from the company’s strategy and long-term policy. The policy is based on a careful assessment of how much of the profit is deemed necessary for investments in profitable growth and the intended financing structure. The remaining amount is paid out to shareholders in full.

Relevant dates in relation to dividend (payments) are included in the financial calendar.

Substantial participations

In the context of notifications regarding major holdings and capital interests, stakes of 3% or more in the issued share capital must be reported to the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets. The table below lists all notifications to the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets as per mid-March 2024.

ShareholderStake in Nedap
Cross Options Beheer B.V.14.61%
Teslin Participaties Coöperatief U.A.10.19%
NN Group N.V.9.97%
Van Lanschot Kempen Investment Management N.V.9.94%
ASR Nederland N.V.8.20%
Add Value Fund N.V.5.08%
Decico B.V.5.01%
Stichting Medewerkerparticipatie Nedap3.35%

Contact us

We value transparent communication. For questions or inquiries, please contact our Investor Relations team.

Investor Relations