Nedap Health Score prioritizes health issues on dairy farms

22 Dec 2023

Nedap introduces new feature within CowControl

With the Health Score, Nedap introduces a new insight into cows’ health. The Health Score shows the cow’s health status and the change compared to the previous hours. This insight makes it possible for the farmer to focus on the most critical cows first, saving valuable recovery time for the cow and streamlining labor allocation.

Critical cows first
Jacquelien Lenferink, Market Solution Manager at Nedap, explains: “In our CowControl monitoring system, it was already possible to receive health alerts from cows that may have issues. The new Health Score is a score from 1 to 10 that shows the health status of each individual cow at a glance, plus a unique indicator of whether the health status has improved or deteriorated in the last few hours. With this numerical, objective score, the dairy farmer does not have to assess the severity of the health issues himself, saving a lot of time, especially on large farms,” says Lenferink. Based on this Health Score, the farmer simply views a prioritized work list of cows that he needs to check first and cows that can wait a little longer. In addition to saving time, this also results in a practical prioritization of activities. This allows the farmer to adjust the work protocols on the farm and to manage the staff in a more targeted way. The Health Score is easy to integrate with other relevant software platforms, such as a herd management system, to expedite the work and dataflow even more. “The Health Score therefore promotes cow health and work efficiency on the farm.”

Available within Nedap Now
The Health Score is available within Nedap Now, Nedap’s cloud-based software platform. Dairy farmers and Business Partners can easily expand their current CowControl monitoring system with this new tool, in order to sustainably improve the health status and yield on the dairy farm. Visit Nedap Now to learn more.

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