Trading update Q3 2023

19 Oct 2023

Key points

  • In the third quarter, revenue was up 19% on the third quarter of last year. All business units contributed to the revenue growth.
  • Revenue over the first nine months of 2023 rose by 20% on the same period in 2022. Recurring revenue was also up 20% and made up 31% of revenue (2022: 31%).
  • Although economic developments will impact development of demand in the short term, Nedap maintains its expectation that revenue in the second half of 2023 will be higher than in the second half-year of 2022.


In the third quarter, Nedap achieved 19% revenue growth, continuing the growth trend from the first half of the year. All business units showed revenue growth. Similar to the first half of the year, the fulfillment of postponed and delayed orders also contributed to the increase in revenue in the third quarter. This has almost completely cleared the delivery backlog. Nedap’s long-term growth potential remains undiminished. In line with the Step Up! strategy, Nedap continued to invest in product development and commercial strength in the third quarter, with a focus on scale propositions in the four key markets Healthcare, Livestock Management, Retail and Security Management. Nedap has also reached an agreement for the acquisition of MediKIT, an information system for general practitioners. With this, Nedap is entering a new sector of the healthcare market and is further building on its mission to make the Dutch healthcare market better.

Download the full press release: Press release – Trading update Q3 2023 Nedap N.V.

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